Friday, March 31, 2006


The work week has been busy, is there any other kind? The only obstacle has been trying to work through a case of the flu, mine, my husband's and my son's as well. Interesting at best.

I read today that they found an ancient Roman sculpture of a painted Amazon warrior woman. Yes, painted! A very rare find. The paint, red (of course!), was amazingly well-preserved considering the age of the work at nearly 2,000 years. The sculpture was found at Herculaneum, one of the towns that was covered with ash and molten lava during the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, the same one that covered Pompeii.
The piece is now on display at the Archaeological Museum in Naples, Italy.

Photo by Riccardo Giordano

~~This is also interesting. A Michelangelo Pietà?
An adult parishioner found it in the church of Santa Maria in Marcialla as a child while playing and kept it a secret for all those years. I wonder what made him confess?

Speaking of Renaissance...sort of.

I wanted to be a part of Santa Barbara's I Madonnari in May but I don't think I can make it. I will however try to make the I Madonnari in San Luis Obispo (SB's sister festival) which is held in September. This will give me a better chance to find a sponsor and make my arrangements.

~~I continue to work.
I'm hoping to bring you some colored projects soon.LM

Serenity WIP...

Serenity - WIP 9" x 12" Pencil Sketch

This is a work in progress from the film Serenity. The ship, Serenity; The Captain, Mal Reynolds; The Gifted Child, River Tam; The Operative with no name.