Monday, September 11, 2006

Work and more work

There has been a lot of work coming my way in the last month and a half and it looks to be one of my busiest seasons ever.

Lord of the Rings Masterpieces will be released sometime in October or November.
I sold the first in my Lord of the Rings portrait series, Arwen Undómiel, on EBay a few days ago and she'll be off to the happy owner tomorrow or Tuesday.
The next portrait isn't of a human but the ring itself. It is much larger than its film counterpart. I am half way finished with this "portrait" but will not finish it for a short time due to other pressing's a good thing.

I'm busy with a few commissions and getting prepared for two upcoming projects which I can't talk about just yet. I'll let you know as soon as I'm allowed to give out info!!

The Star Wars Insider #90 will be out sometime this month and will feature my Boga somewhere in the Bantha Tracks section of the magazine. Thanks to Mary Franklin!!

So, back to work she goes!


George & Me - Release Date

Hi there,

Taking a break from the drawing.

George and Me - documentary release
George and Me, the documentary by Sky Wilson and Vin Kelly, will be released on September 30th, 2006 for regions 1 & 2.
I am one of the interviewees.
Here is a press release/article found at
New Star Wars Documentary: George & Me
5HeadsTall Productions, the Manchester UK based company responsible for the hugely successful online TV show "Inside Report", are thrilled to announce that the long awaited documentary, "George and Me" is to be released on DVD on 30th September 2006. "George and Me" investigates how much of a positive "force" Star Wars has been on fans' lives since its release nearly 30 years ago. It shows that the traditional stereotype of the "geeky" fan has little value in today's world and that being a fan can really enrich your life and give you the courage to shoot for the stars.

It features interviews with fans such as Albin Johnson founder of the 501st,, and Shane Felux director of "Revelations", the most successful fan-film to date. It also features many other fans from across the globe who have all done amazing and wonderful things because of their love for Star Wars. The film took the two indie producers, Sky Wilson and Vin Kelly, nearly 2 years to complete, financing the whole operation themselves. They travelled across the United States and all over England in order to see first hand the amazing accomplishments that fans had achieved. "All of the fans fans we met were special people and should get the recognition they deserve", said Sky. "We wanted to show that Star Wars fans are really wonderful people who have done great things as a result of liking Star Wars," adds Vin. This film is the company's first foray into documentary filmmaking and they hope it's not the last. The film is released on DVD in Region 1 and Region 2 formats on 30th September 2006.

Visit for more information and to eventually purchase this DVD!
