Saturday, March 01, 2008

More familiarity...

Last night I watched Slipstream directed by Anthony Hopkins (one of my favs since I first saw him in the theatres....yikes). I have been desparately (ok, not that desparately) trying to catch up on films I've wanted to see over the last few years. The combination of AH as director and star was too good to pass up.

Sooooo, about half way through there's a shot in the desert (not where they are "filming") and I recognize it from the skyline alone. They're playing golf at *Bighorn Golf Club which is literally a stone's throw from me. The view of the mountainous skyline (which includes Mount Eisenhower, the highest point there between the actors) to the east is the very same I see from my workshop everyday. And the second pic shows the view, mountains to the south, from my front yard.

It wasn't the first time I'd spotted a familiar place in films but this one was really close to home. The odd thing was that I'd just watched It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963) and saw they too filmed just up the hill from us (looooong before we lived here ;)). It looks slightly different, not much but slightly (bottom pic is from the film). I believe they were trying to pass off Palm Desert as Israel.

When coming from Comic Con in San Diego each year we take the route that goes through the San Jacinto/Santa Rosa mountains, the first place one sees as they've come off the mountain is Bighorn...the next is ours. Both are to the left of that large cluster of boulders to the left of the pic...



*This place is chock-full of celebs and sports stars...and lotsa other loaded people. ...the "apartments" start at $2m. :p

The Mighty Boosh

I've been watching The Mighty Boosh over the last few weeks and am down to the last series (3). About half way through the second to the last episode I spot a familiar face.
During Celebration IV (Los Angeles 2007) a group of us went to Hollywood to check out the weirdness. The group included official Star Wars artists, Cynthia Cummens, Joe Corroney, Justin Chung, David Rabbitte and Jake Steele; Writer Abel Peña and good friends Jeff and Ed.
See pics below...

Jake in The Mighty Boosh...

Jake (in white) with all of us in Hollywood...

Weird...small world and all that.


Monday, February 25, 2008

Blue Line Pro Cards - American Cancer Society Charity

Please! Bid and help raise money for the ACS!
March 8, 2008
Thank you!!
Artists contributing to the auction:

Bong Abad
Nancy A. Acosta
Cielo Aguilera
Nick Alenikov
Kristin Allen
Weshoyot Alvitre
Oliver Lee Arce
David Arhar
Dane Ault
Cary Baker
Gary Barker
Jason Baroody
Donna Barr
John Beatty
David Michael Beck
James Bible
Michael Biller
Steve Bissette
Kate Bradley "Red"
Steve Bove
John Broglia
Jason Burell
Eric Burnham
George Calloway
Jamie Campbell
Daniel Campos
Sam Carbaugh
Tom Carne
Diane Carroll
Ryan Carter
Megan Chavis
Aaron Cockle
Sean Collins
Steve Conley
Adelso Corona
Josh Courtney
Aston R. Cover
John Dacosta
Jeremy Dale
Ted Dastick Jr.
Zane DeGaine
Coriander Shea Deruiler
Tony DeZuniga
Eric Dotson
David Downs
Chris Dreier
Rachel Dukes
Max Dunbar
Alessandro Esporza
Zach Erwin
Nicole Falk
David Faught
Cesar Feliciano
Jay Fife
J.C. Filer
Dave Flora
Brian Fraim
Brendon Fraim
Allen Freeman
Mike Gagnon
Rudy Garica
Earl Geier
Andy "ND!" Genen
Jim Giar
Dick Giordano
Benjamin Glendenning
Corwin Glenn
Gotham Visuals
Angela Gouge
Stephen T. Gouge
Kevin Graham
Mathew Grant
Great Michael J., The
Hardrick M. Gulley
Robert Hack
Kelly Hacker
Charles Hall
Jason Hanks
Ingrid Hardy
Greg Harms
Ron Harrison
Nikki Hernandez
Josh Heusinkueld
Clay Hickey
Luke Hickey
Robert Wayne Hickey
Joshua Hicks
Anthony Hochrein
Greg Horn
Laura Inglis
Melissa Iwai
R.J. Johnston
Juan 2.0
Michael Kasinger
Michael A. Kephart
Randy Kintz (Raniz)
Sinclair Klugarsh
Lucy Knisly
Brian Lalley
Greg LaRouque
Sherry Leak
Jenn Lee
Anthony D. Lee
Suzanne LeGrand
Evan C. Lichty
Nate Lovett
Steven Lydic
David Mack
Leah Mangue
Brett Martina
Mike Maydak
Mark McKenna
Christian Medina
Bill Meiggs
Doug Meyer
Nacho Meza Jr.
Tony Miello
Allan J. Mills
Kurt Mitchell
Welson Miu
Nick Mochoviak
E. J. Morges
Clayton D. Murwir
Steve Musgrave
Joanne Ellen Mutch
Aaron Nagel
Todd Nauck
Nick Neocleous
Jose Negron
David Newbold
Bill Nichols
Chris Noeth
Alex Numo
Chiki Okonkwo

Jimmy Palmiotti
Elmer Pasaoa
Chis Peckford
Don Pedicini Jr.
Yefimi Perez
Jonathan Pekin
Don Perlin
Michael L. Peters
David Peterson
Liza Petruzzo
Mike Pigford
Amy Pronovost
Steve Rankin
Eric Ray
Charles Raymond
Rob Reilly
Tracy Reynolds
Jon Riggle
Ringtail Cafe
Jamie Roberts
Jeff Robinson
Carla Rodrigues
Steve Rude
Scott Christian Sava
Dan Schoening
Jon Seif
Peter Sefcik
Greg Sessions
Blair D. Shedd
Scott Shehi
Jason Shoemaker
Randy Siplon
Paul Sizer
D. Smith
Uko Smith
Jamie Snell
Robert Stalling
Joe Staton
Mark Stegbaur
B.C. Sterrett
Mark Stegbauer
Billy Tan
Mark J. Tannacore
Jerrery Tanis
Mark A. Topolski
Jimmy Tournas
Jim Tournas
Desi Turner
Jim Valentino
Neil Vokes
Korey Watkins
Nat Watson
A. Wesolowsky
Mike Whelan
Steve Willhite
Ben Williams
Derrick Williams
C.P. Wilson III
Taylor Whitton
Patrick Ypperciel
Jeff Zanelotti
Jeff Zugale
Joe Zuniga