Monday, April 10, 2006

Serenity Illustration Finished!

Serenity Illustration - 9" x 12" Colored Pencil
I've been juggling various projects these weeks but I finally finished the Serenity illustration. I thoroughly enjoyed working on this project and am up for another Firefly/Serenity based illustration when I can fit it in.

As I worked at this one I kept thinking how much I enjoyed watching the series and the film. I also feel the small creeping of smitten I have Malcolm Reynolds (Nathon Fillion), the same way I did for Han Solo/Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford). Don't know if I'm ready to be called a "Fillionaire" yet but I can surely see and feel the appeal! *wink*

I still would like to finish the Rancor drawing sometime in the next couple of weeks. I'll try to post some of the pet illustrations I've been working on as well....dogs, all dogs.

Thanks for stopping by.