Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ZAPP Management for artists (not an agent)

Been a major amount of time since I blogged anything.

Earlier this afternoon I tweeted (via Twitter, for those of you not in-the-know) a link to ZAPP Management but I'd like to offer a little more information so it's not just a link to a site.

ZAPP Management is a free service which enables artists from all over the country (perhaps the world?) the opportunity to get their portfolio work together online and apply to art shows and festivals all over the country with an easy to use universal application system (the ZAPPlication). Some of the most highly regarded art shows use this system

In addition to the application service ZAPP provides regular and informative email updates on upcoming festivals and shows and any needed deadline dates. ZAPP also allows fests/shows to send out postcard mailings (yes, snail mail! *shock*) advertising their shows...great reminders in my opinion.

ZAPP provides a "How to" for image prep, takes you step-by-step on how to apply, offers a calendar of events, a list of participating shows and a forum for its users.

A wonderful service for artists and a huge time saver.


Hope this is of help!