Saturday, September 23, 2006

George and Me - Available for Pre-Purchase!

In just one more week, September 30, 2006, George and Me is released on DVD!
You can pre-purchase the documentary film at the George and Me website by clicking this link.
Thanks to Sky and Vin for all their hard work!

LOTRM sketch card release date

It has been confirmed. The release date for the Lord of the Rings Masterpieces card set is now October 25th, 2006! yay!


Lord of the Rings - Portrait 2 - The Ring

The Ring - Colored Pencil on Mi Teinte

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Lord of the Rings Sketch Cards update

Looks like the Lord of the Rings Masterpieces will be delayed. Originally the collectors card sets had a release date of October but it looks to be a little later. I'll let everyone know the final release date when it's available.
