Monday, September 11, 2006

Work and more work

There has been a lot of work coming my way in the last month and a half and it looks to be one of my busiest seasons ever.

Lord of the Rings Masterpieces will be released sometime in October or November.
I sold the first in my Lord of the Rings portrait series, Arwen Undómiel, on EBay a few days ago and she'll be off to the happy owner tomorrow or Tuesday.
The next portrait isn't of a human but the ring itself. It is much larger than its film counterpart. I am half way finished with this "portrait" but will not finish it for a short time due to other pressing's a good thing.

I'm busy with a few commissions and getting prepared for two upcoming projects which I can't talk about just yet. I'll let you know as soon as I'm allowed to give out info!!

The Star Wars Insider #90 will be out sometime this month and will feature my Boga somewhere in the Bantha Tracks section of the magazine. Thanks to Mary Franklin!!

So, back to work she goes!


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