Saturday, March 01, 2008

More familiarity...

Last night I watched Slipstream directed by Anthony Hopkins (one of my favs since I first saw him in the theatres....yikes). I have been desparately (ok, not that desparately) trying to catch up on films I've wanted to see over the last few years. The combination of AH as director and star was too good to pass up.

Sooooo, about half way through there's a shot in the desert (not where they are "filming") and I recognize it from the skyline alone. They're playing golf at *Bighorn Golf Club which is literally a stone's throw from me. The view of the mountainous skyline (which includes Mount Eisenhower, the highest point there between the actors) to the east is the very same I see from my workshop everyday. And the second pic shows the view, mountains to the south, from my front yard.

It wasn't the first time I'd spotted a familiar place in films but this one was really close to home. The odd thing was that I'd just watched It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963) and saw they too filmed just up the hill from us (looooong before we lived here ;)). It looks slightly different, not much but slightly (bottom pic is from the film). I believe they were trying to pass off Palm Desert as Israel.

When coming from Comic Con in San Diego each year we take the route that goes through the San Jacinto/Santa Rosa mountains, the first place one sees as they've come off the mountain is Bighorn...the next is ours. Both are to the left of that large cluster of boulders to the left of the pic...



*This place is chock-full of celebs and sports stars...and lotsa other loaded people. ...the "apartments" start at $2m. :p

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